

Lecomas is the abbreviation of Leco mental account system.

This subject is appropriate for 5 to 12 ages.

At first, they recognize the Japanese abacus and how they can work with that. In term 1 they learn how to show numbers from 0 to 9 and addition & subtraction also on abacus.

After 2 terms they Start calculating mentally. In mental calculation the most important thing is how to use imaging memory!

In Lecomas they can comprehend the concept of math.

And improve the speed of computation skill.

In Lecomas there is method that help the children to use both of their brain hemisphere.

In Lecomas we have packages. Inside of them are educational book, abacus, 2 notebooks, flashcards and a pencil.

Almost every 2 levels they have one book.

The method of education in Lecomas is full of fun so This subject is the most popular between children.

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